当前位置:首页 > 美国 > 哈佛校长致拜登:希望上任后可以优先处理国际学生签证事宜
来源:英锐教育 | 发布时间:2020-12-18


早在12月11日,哈佛校长Lawrence S. Bacow给拜登总统写了一封公开信,信中不仅祝贺了拜登的当选,更提及了希望拜登总统上任头几天就尽快处理国际学生签证事宜。


Nearly every country in the world admits immigrants, but the United States has long been defined by the immigrant origins of many of our citizens. Throughout our history, waves of immigrants have come here and made this country their home. With energy, talent, and determination, immigrants have helped make our nation, economy, and communities stronger and more prosperous. Higher education has played an important role in this pipeline—identifying extraordinary students and scholars throughout the world, attracting them to the US, and developing their talents, which has resulted in new ideas and innovations that have benefitted all of us.


Yet, over the past four years, executive orders and presidential proclamations have barred entry to many, with others beset by processing delays, backlogs, and administrative hurdles designed to frustrate access to opportunities in this country. As a result, a shadow of uncertainty has been cast over immigrants and nonimmigrants alike—and it has taken a toll. Recently, the Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange announced the fourth straight year of decline in new student enrollments, and the first year-over-year decline in total international student enrollments since 2005. Equally troubling, while the overwhelming majority of those who earn doctorate degrees at our colleges and universities choose to remain in the United States, the “stay rate” for students from China and India, who represent the two largest source countries for US science and engineering doctorate recipients, has softened as those students choose opportunities at home or elsewhere in the face of uncertainty here.



As routine visa services resume at US consulates around the word, I encourage you to prioritize the consideration of international students and scholars, and ensure that visa processing is streamlined and predictable, with a reasonable timeframe for adjudication. I am pleased to know that you intend to rescind the ban on travel from certain Muslim-majority countries, and I encourage you to carefully review and reconsider these other entry bans, ensuring that they are constructive, timelimited, and thoughtfully focused, with clear, expedited processes for the consideration of exemptions.


As January approaches and COVID rates rise, many colleges and universities must continue to accommodate remote learning and research for the spring semester. I hope you will act without delay in your first days in office to instruct the Student Exchange Visa Program to provide guidance clarifying that continuing students will be able to maintain their status by enrolling in a full-time course of study through distance learning and, most critically, extending that flexibility to new students for the duration of the pandemic. Such a policy will allow schools to assign top priority to the safety of their communities while at the same time minimizing disruptions to the academic progress of students, especially those outside of the United States who have persevered through the fall term with unreliable or restricted internet and dramatically different time zones. I also encourage you to remain alert to any efforts to replace or curtail the longstanding “duration of status” policy, which allows students to remain in the US for their full course of study or approved program.


To remain a world leader, the US and its colleges and universities must be open to ensurethat we do not become isolated from the discourse that occurs outside of our borders. Our present immigration system does not do nearly enough to encourage the legitimate flow of people and ideas or recognize the contributions that immigrants make to the US. The COVID pandemic has taught us that many of our most difficult challenges are global—and their solutions lie in international relationships and research collaborations that are established over time and enabled by flexible and accessible immigration policies.


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