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来源:英锐教育深圳 | 发布时间:2022-04-15








-Samuel 不仅热爱辩论,而且热爱中国。擅于与学生共同学习合作。在这其中不仅能够辅导学生更好地将辩论逻辑进行运用,还能够培养学生建立独属个人的辩论风格







From Alaska to China, debate and speech has helped my personal growth as well as my career. I have found my best friends in debate, I have met amazing mentors, and most importantly I found confidence.




Entering high school, I was thinking about joining a team to make friends and have fun. I come from a small town in Alaska, called Ketchikan, where basketball is easily the most popular sport. I was considering trying out for the basketball team, because that’s what most of the guys did at my school. But I was presented a different choice, debate. And taking the path less travelled has made all the difference for me in my academics, career, and life.


It was my favorite teacher (History/economics) that suggested I joined the debate team. He had seen my talkative nature in the classroom, and thought I could put my energy towards a more productive activity.



I vaguely had an idea what debate was about, but I mostly thought it just a chance to argue. But he convinced me to give it a shot, he told me how impressed he was with students he had judged at previous debate tournaments. He challenged me to try something new and expand my horizons. I had to choose between spending my time pursuing basketball, or trying the less popular path of debate. I wasn’t sure, but I trusted my teacher, and decided to give debate a chance.






I still remember the first topic I had in debate. It was about offshore oil drilling. Not a topic that students usually spend their weekend discussing, and I had no idea how to approach it. It’s common for new comers to debate to be feel a bit overwhelmed at first. But my teammates and coach were eager to help me prepare. Never had I seen that kind of drive or motivation go into academic study before. Sure, the stress of grades and school had pushed me to study plenty before. But my teammates were researching and writing for the love of the game! They wanted to do well in the competition, but they also wanted to support their friends and teammates. And that excitement influenced me. I was eager to learn about the economic and environmental impacts of oil drilling. Just in the preparation for my first tournament, I was starting to see the true value of debate.






That first tournament weekend, I remember putting on my suit, tying my tie, and feeling so nervous to speak in front of the judges and audience. But my coach reminded me that debate was a game, just like other sports, and to have fun with it. I also knew that I had a partner to support me, and that I had friends and teammates cheering me on. I did my best to be confident and persuasive, to practice the skills my coach had taught me so far. In the end, I only won two out of six debates that tournament, but I was proud of those first two wins. These first wins and losses sparked my love for debate.




That first tournament taught me that debate was more than just arguing, it showed me that debate was a competition unlike any other sport or activity I had done before. 



First, while it was nerve wracking to public speak, it was also incredibly satisfying to have a platform where I could share my thoughts and ideas. It was a chance to have my voice heard. 



I also learned that debate was an even playing field. It didn’t matter how tall I was, or how fast, like in basketball. Instead, debate was about preparation and presentation, something any debater can learn and master if they put in the work.  



I discovered how fun debate could be. For example, every season has a different topic. That makes it an ever-changing playing field. One tournament you might be learning about the science of oil drilling, but the next you might get a chance to discuss the film making industry. 




Debate was a space where I could discover and experiment. I had the independence to make my own decisions. I could try different ways of persuading; I could create my own arguments and strategy. Most people don’t realize how creative debate can be. 




Finally, I learned what I welcoming community debate is, how it is an excellent place to meet new people. After spending an hour debating someone, it’s hard not to get to know them. Some of my best friends today where my opponents back then. In the end, I was glad to have taken my teacher’s advice, because I discovered that debate was the path for me. 




I wasn’t a very good debater at first, it took time. I lost a lot of debate rounds before I started to win consistently. But I always learned more from the rounds I lost. For example, I learned to be more empathetic. I learned to think from the perspective of others. Often young students love to argue, but have trouble seeing why there is more than just one side to an issue. But losing in a debate will quickly teach you that there is lots of perspectives you haven’t considered before. Over time, by learning to work with different teammates, by working with teachers and coaches who were excited and passionate about debate, and by learning from my own mistakes, I started to learn what I needed to be a great debater. By the end of my high school career, I went to the state championship.







I continued my debate journey into university, which turned out to be tremendously helpful during my time there. It helped me connect with professors, efficiently write papers, and give presentations with confidence. Debate gave me the chance to connect with professors outside of their usual office hours, allowing me to have mentorship while I found my footing away from home. Debate gave me a strong knowledge base for many college level topics, like economics and political science. I remember writing my first research paper in university, it was for my history of economic theory class. I quickly realized how similar it was to writing a debate case, citing sources, and building a strong argument to support my thesis. 




More than any class high school, debate is what prepared for my university experience. When it came to give my research presentation, I was excited to share my hard work with the class. My accolades from debates even helped me earn an internship working for a US senator during a summer break!





My time in debate and speech was a challenge, but incredibly rewarding. Many of my professional skills that I use at work every day I learned from debate. Whether it be networking, communicating, or problem solving at work, debate got me the practice I needed. Debate prepared me well for interviews, it’s remarkably similar to the cross-examination section of a debate. When a challenge arises at work, I know I can approach it as debater, seeing both sides of the issue, and then using my critical thinking skills to help come up with a solution that both sides can agree to.





As a debate coach for Enreach Education, I am excited to pass on skills and knowledge to the next generation of debaters. I am grateful for the chance to be the debate mentor that I was lucky enough during my time in school. Being a debate coach is a joy, every day I get to a chance to connect with students, to hear their perspective of the world. I love my job because I can see the growth and progress my students make in just a single semester. I look forward to seeing my students take their own successful path.


英国 留学前景




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