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文书赏析 | 惊艳!哈佛大学2024录取文书公开(第一篇)
来源:英锐教育北京 | 发布时间:2024-08-01


In this essay "I, Too, Can Dance," Sarika skillfully describes how she went from wanting to dance like the made-up character Angelina Ballerina to discovering deep fulfillment and a way to express herself via writing. The essay opens with a detailed account of Sarika's early fascination in dance, which was sparked by the animated performances she saw on television. However, we learn that her first attempts to mimic these dancing routines are hampered by her physical constraints in a wheelchair, which complicates and frustrates her young goals.

这篇题为《我也会跳舞》的文章中,萨里卡巧妙地描述了她是如何从想成为卡通形象 Angelina Ballerina一样的舞者,到通过写作发现深层次的成就感和完成表达自我。文章开篇详细叙述了萨里卡早年对舞蹈的迷恋,她在电视上看到的动画片表演激发了她对舞蹈的兴趣。然而,我们了解到,她最初模仿这些舞蹈动作的尝试受到了轮椅的限制,这让她年轻时的目标变得更加复杂和挫折。

Despite these difficulties, Sarika's story is full of tenacity and originality. Her experiences with other artistic mediums, such as painting and piano, follow a similar pattern of initial enthusiasm followed by an awareness of her physical limitations. However, these endeavors are presented as stepping stones, each one strengthening her drive and guiding her in the direction of a field in which she may genuinely succeed.


When Sarika discovers writing, her story takes a dramatic turn. This realization is not just a solace but also a victorious discovery of her voice. Writing takes on the role of her dance floor, where words enable her to move gracefully, telling tales and articulating concepts with the same grace and fluidity that performers display on stage. Sarika describes her writing process using dance-related imagery, such as her pencil "pirouettes" and her narratives "leaping off the page," effectively drawing comparisons between dance and writing.

当萨里卡发现写作时,她的故事发生了戏剧性的转变。这不仅是一种慰藉,也是对发现自己声音的胜利体现。写作就像她的舞池,文字让她能够优雅地舞动,像演员在舞台上展示的优雅和流畅的舞姿一样,讲述故事,传达理念。萨里卡在描述自己的写作过程时,使用了与舞蹈相关的意象,比如她的铅笔 “回旋”,她的叙事 “跃然纸上”,这些有效地将舞蹈与写作进行了比较。

Sarika's profound reflection and her mature realization that artistic expression can take numerous forms are what make her essay so moving. She conveys a strong message about accepting one's abilities and exploring many avenues for artistic expression. By the time the essay comes to an end, Sarika has come to terms with her destiny and even begun to like it. She finds happiness in the rhythmic tapping of her keyboard late into the night, creating stories that have the grace and complexity of a dance that has been expertly choreographed.


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